Preschool Expansion
Recent progress: Preschool expansion
PEG evaluation by Abt Associates

Early Childhood Mental Health
Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health - resource brief for advocates
Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health - resource brief for providers
Full-Day Kindergarten
Full-Day Kindergarten Fact Sheet
Enrollment Map—Full-Day Kindergarten by City/Town
Tuition Rates for Full-Day Kindergarten *new*
Full-Day vs. Half-Day Kindergarten: Which Children Learn More in Which Program?

Early Educators
ECE Workforce Needs: Local Solutions from Preschool Planning

Reading ProficiencyTurning the Page: Refocusing Massachusetts for Reading Success:   Full Report  |  Executive Summary  |   Chart: A Developing Reader’s Journey
Changing the Trajectory: Communities Take Action to Increase Reading Proficiency
Lead for Literacy (series of one-page memos) Language Diversity and Literacy Development Research Group, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2012
Encourage Your Child to Read  |  Fomentando la Lectura en tus Hijos
The Path to a Competitive Workforce Begins with High-Quality Early Education
A Clear and Compelling Case
High-Quality Early Education: Student Achievement
Math and Science in Early Learning
Reference Sheet: Three Major Longitudinal Studies
Evaluations of State-Funded Pre-K Programs
Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children
High-Quality Early Education: Health Benefits
The U.S. Trails International Community on Pre-K

Defining High-Quality Early Education: Teacher Education and Training Massachusetts Early Childhood Educators Scholarship Program

11 Beacon Street, Suite 500, Boston, Massachusetts 02108