notes from Amy
Here at Strategies for Children, we’ve been doing some summer reading. We’re reading through several of the 13 preschool expansion plans created by local community teams across Massachusetts. These strategic plans aren’t exactly “light beach reading,” but they’re just as fascinating to us (maybe more) as the latest hits from James Patterson or J.K. Rowling.
The plans are comprehensive, thoughtful, and customized local proposals for how best to expand preschool opportunities to more children. They also reveal several opportunities to better align what exists currently and imagine what could be in the future.
We are encouraging, local teams to share their plans locally - mayors, superintendents, funders, educators, parents, school committee members and the public should be aware of the details of these plans. Despite a lack of state funding to implement plans at this time, there’s still an opportunity here to promote early learning and raise awareness of the innovative thinking happening in communities.
Local planning teams should also reach out to their state legislators to make sure they are aware of the plans and willing to advocate for increased funding in the state budget and through other potential funding sources.
Lastly, there should be a robust state-level conversation taking place. Strategies for Children is committed to promoting the plans on Beacon Hill and within and across our state education agencies.
This will be our focus in the fall. While we prepare to refile legislation to expand high-quality preschool, we will be working hard to connect the dots on preschool planning, and help build local and state momentum for increasing young children’s access to high-quality early education and care.
Join us in our effort, and thank you for your continued advocacy.