Early Education for All
Early Education for All (EEA) is the advocacy campaign of Strategies for Children. EEA advocates in numerous ways to achieve SFC's core mission: to ensure that Massachusetts invests the resources needed for all children, from birth to age five, to access high-quality early education programs that prepare them for success in school and life.


To realize this vision, EEA seeks:

  • Language-rich home environments.
  • High-quality infant/toddler programs and services.
  • High-quality preschool.
  • High-quality full-day kindergarten.
  • Birth-age 5 systems alignment and cohesion.
  • Workforce supports and high-quality professional development.


  Get involved
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Contact Amy O'Leary, EEA's campaign director.
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Read our blog, Eye on Early Education, to learn the latest in early education.
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  stay informed
Read about our progress in EEA Update.


A look at EEA's history
Throughout its history, EEA has been a broad-based coalition of leaders from business, early childhood, labor, religion, health care, education and philanthropy, allied with parents, grassroots leaders and policymakers on behalf of children and families.

The campaign was launched in the summer of 2000 by SFC founder and child policy specialist Margaret Blood. EEA's goal was to address the pressing need for high-quality early education in Massachusetts, informed by the findings of the constituency building research project: Our Youngest Children: Massachusetts Voters and Opinion Leaders Speak Out on Their Care and Education, which was developed by Margaret.

The findings identified the public and political will for publicly-funded early childhood education:

  • One-third of the voters polled identify child care and early childhood education as top priorities for Massachusetts.
  • State government leaders-especially state legislative leaders-place child care and early childhood education relatively high on their list of public policy priorities.
  • Voters and opinion leaders are more willing to support government funding for early childhood education if it is: child-focused; for ages three, four and five; and identifiably connected to long term educational benefits.
  • This public support is even more significant when evaluated in the context of the current situation facing Massachusetts' young children and their families, and the scientific evidence promoting the importance of early childhood education.
  • Within this context of environmental and market factors, the Campaign is determined to make publicly-funded high-quality early education available to all Massachusetts three, four, and five year olds to help prepare them for success both in school and in life.

11 Beacon Street, Suite 500, Boston, Massachusetts 02108